Bidders ID: NBD18873085973558999
Due Date: Sep 10, 2024
Posted Date: Sep 5, 2024
Level of Government: State & Local
State: New York
Agency: City of New York
  • V - Transportation, Travel and Relocation Services
Solicitation Number: 82624P0005
Source: Members Only
Release Date
8/19/2024 11:43:36 AM (Your Local Time)
Estimated Number of Contracts
Estimated Procurement Value
Agency Contact First Name
Agency Contact Last Name
Agency Contact Email
Concept Report
RFx Title
RFx Status
Water & Stormwater Resiliency Programs: DEP is seeking a cross-disciplinary team of professionals such as academic experts, as well as engineers, research organizations, urban planners, landscape designers, and community and arts organizations to assist in water and stormwater resiliency programs support.
This Request for Proposal (“RFx) is being released through PASSPort, New York City’s online procurement portal. Responses to this RFx should be submitted via PASSPort. To access the solicitation, vendors should visit the PASSPort Public Portal at and click on the “Procurement Navigator” blue box. This will take you to the Public Portal of all procurements in the PASSPort system. To quickly locate the RFx, insert the EPIN 82624P0005 into the Keywords search field. If you need assistance submitting a response, please contact MOCS help desk at .
Water & Stormwater Resiliency Programs: DEP is seeking a cross-disciplinary team of professionals such as academic experts, as well as engineers, research organizations, urban planners, landscape designers, and community and arts organizations to assist in water and stormwater resiliency programs support.
This Request for Proposal (“RFx) is being released through PASSPort, New York City’s online procurement portal. Responses to this RFx should be submitted via PASSPort. To access the solicitation, vendors should visit the PASSPort Public Portal at and click on the “Procurement Navigator” blue box. This will take you to the Public Portal of all procurements in the PASSPort system. To quickly locate the RFx, insert the EPIN 82624P0005 into the Keywords search field. If you need assistance submitting a response, please contact MOCS help desk at .
Key Dates
Anticipated Contract Start Date (M/d/yyyy)
Anticipated Contract End Date (M/d/yyyy)
Release Date (M/d/yyyy)
Due Date (M/d/yyyy)
Bid Opening Date (M/d/yyyy)
12:00:00 AM
Questions Due Date (M/d/yyyy) Agency Users may not respond to your question if it is submitted after this date.
Leal Fiorella Addendum Document Addendum #6_RFP Extension
Leal Fiorella Addendum Document Addendum #5_Updated Cost Proposal_Round Addendum #3
Leal Fiorella RFx Document Scope of Service
Leal Fiorella RFx Document Contract Template
Leal Fiorella RFx Document MWBE - Notice to Bidders LL1
Leal Fiorella RFx Document Request for Proposal
Leal Fiorella RFx Document Pre-Proposal Conference Document
Leal Fiorella Addendum Document Addendum #1 - Pre-Proposal Conference - PowerPoint Presentation
Leal Fiorella Addendum Document Addendum #2 Pre Proposal Conference Attendance List_BEPA-WSRP
Leal Fiorella Addendum Document Addendum #3 - RFP Due Date Extension
Leal Fiorella Addendum Document Addendum #4_Q&A, RFP Ext., RFP Updates & Round Addendum
11 Result(s)
Pre-response/Pre-bid conferences
No Preproposal Conference for BEPA-WSRP. Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. 6/18/2024 11:00:00 AM NEW YORK Join the meeting by link or call in 1-585-484-8792 Phone Conference ID 235 253 39# Virtual: Find Link In Preproposal Conference Document 113793
1 Result(s)

Attachment Preview

Project Management
The Consultant shall perform project management work throughout the duration of the
contract. The Consultant shall be responsible for the proper administration of the Project and
shall ensure that any and all other firms involved comply with the terms and conditions of
their respective prime contract. The Consultant shall coordinate with and provide assistance
to DEP’s designated Project Manager (DEP PM) to undertake all necessary actions to
advance the overall work and each individual task and subtask. The Consultant shall be
responsible for preparing a project management plan; holding progress meetings and
progress calls, as necessary; preparing monthly progress reports; preparing presentations for
any intra-agency meetings and coordinating associated communication; managing and
addressing DEP’s comments and questions on tasks and deliverables; and preparing any
written reports and other deliverables as associated with the tasks described below. All
Project Management services shall be budgeted in each task in which those services are
anticipated to be provided.
BEPA provides projections and guidance, including water demand, wastewater flow, and
climate projections, which are used agency-wide in many contexts, such as Long-Term
Control Planning, facility planning, and sizing future infrastructure. BEPA also incorporates
programmatic changes for climate change based on projections, which has guided
development of initiatives such as the Wastewater Resiliency Plan and Program, Stormwater
Resiliency Plan, and Cloudburst Management Program.
The Consultant shall continue to provide modeling and technical analysis regarding climate
change impacts to DEP assets and programs, as well as update DEP’s water demand and
wastewater flow projections as it related to population growth and land use planning.
Analysis should include specific climate-related models and scenarios, as determined by
BEPA, along with weather, economics, system leakage, water usage from DEP’s wholesale
customers, and additional factors to be determined by BEPA.
The Work included in this Task may require local and international expertise
usually possessed by the following type of staff:
Environmental Engineer
Civil Engineer
Urban Planner
Climate Modeler
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeler
GIS Analyst
Decision Support Specialist
Academic Experts
Task 1.1: Demand/Flow Projections
The Consultant shall be responsible for collecting, compiling, and analyzing relevant
weather, climate, economic, and other data needed to track and update demand and flow
projections and subsequent analyses utilizing the projection model. The Consultant shall also
consider aspects of demand and flow projections including, but not limited to, detailed inflow
and infiltration (I&I) analysis, expanded review of customer demand outside of the city
(upstate customers and potential expanded customer base), and potential overlap with DEP
SCOUT program
Task 1.2: Climate Change Planning
In consultation with BEPA, the Consultant shall use the New York Panel on Climate Change
(NPCC) climate models to inform scenario development, with a primary focus on heavy
precipitation projections and sea level rise scenarios. For each climate scenario, the
Consultant will prepare an impact analysis to identify areas of the city most at risk from
future flooding hazards, including coastal, urban, and combined flooding risks, along with
the impact of these scenarios on future combined sewer overflow (CSO), infrastructure,
communities, and other categories identified by BEPA. The Consultant shall also use the
scenarios and impact study to aid in project prioritization and maximize DEP investment,
with multiple planning recommendation pathways.
Task 1.3: Decision Support
The Consultant shall utilize the climate scenarios developed in Task 1.1 and the demand and
flow projections developed in Task 1.2 to provide decision support to inform various
planning process. Support will include both water supply and stormwater/wastewater
planning. Specifically, for water supply the Consultant may review the implications of
demand changes under future drought and climate scenarios. For stormwater/wastewater, the
Consultant may address sea level change scenarios and provide guidance regarding the
deployment of adaptation strategies, specifically regarding stormwater management
strategies to reduce the impacts of sea level rise on drainage systems.
The Consultant shall be responsible for assisting BEPA with identifying and evaluating
strategic opportunities such as conducting and analyzing water savings and flood reduction
estimates, developing and recommending potential conservation and resiliency strategies,
and completing cost-benefit analyses for the associated recommendations.
The Work included in this Task may require local and international expertise
usually possessed by the following type of staff:
Environmental Engineer
Civil Engineer
Climate Modeler
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeler
GIS Analyst
Decision Support Specialist
Academic Experts
Task 2.1: Stormwater Resiliency
The Consultant shall assist BEPA with identifying and evaluating opportunities, incentive
programs, guidance, and innovative technologies for public and private properties for future
stormwater management, capture, and reuse projects and programs to support Demand
Management Plan objectives and PlaNYC’s initiative to reduce combined sewer overflows
(CSOs), implement multi-layered strategy for flood resiliency, and comply with mandated
water pollution control requirements and water quality standards. When possible, these
identified opportunities should be integrated into ongoing water conservation and reuse
initiatives identified in BEPA’s Demand Management Plan. As needed, the consultant shall
utilize hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) to propose solutions for mitigating flood damage.
The Consultant may use the downscaled climate models and relevant demand projection and
scenarios defined in Task 1, as well as equity or social vulnerability data to perform this
analysis. The Consultant shall quantify how different stormwater reduction strategies will
impact CSO volumes, and present ways to track CSO reduction from related projects. The
consultant shall also assist DEP with developing protocols for and performing site
inspections to validate impervious area measurements, update land cover changes, and
validate stormwater management projects on public and private properties. The Consultant
shall provide BEPA assistance in identifying and quantifying opportunity areas, conducting
analyses, and developing concepts and conceptual designs. These tasks may require data
gathering and analysis, sewer system modeling, coordination with existing and potential
partners, GIS analyses, research, technical and environmental analyses, site inspections, and
additional technical and analytical efforts to be determined by BEPA.
Task 2.2: Water Conservation and Reuse
The Consultant shall support DEP’s Demand Management Plan water conservation and reuse
initiatives, as required by DEP’s Water Supply Permit WSA#11,352, and PlaNYC goals to
reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs), implement multi-layered strategy for flood
resiliency, sustain long-term water resources reliability, as well as compliance with mandated
water pollution control requirements and water quality standards. The Consultant shall assist
BEPA with annual Demand Management Plan updates and the development of conservation
programs, code changes, and incentives for projects such as fixture retrofits, submetering,
onsite reuse and recycling systems, leak detection, and ongoing, as needed, support for
BEPA’s Wait… app, including further development, ongoing maintenance, and app updates.
This will include performing citywide opportunities analyses for water conservation and
reuse projects, as well as modeling the associated benefits of identified projects. The
Consultant shall highlight co-benefits and opportunities to assist low- and middle-income
customers. The Consultant shall assist BEPA with conducting and validating the annual
American Water Works Association (AWWA) M36 Water Loss Audit, both internally by
helping with coordination between DEP bureaus, and externally through official third (3rd)
party validation. The Consultant may also provide support for water quality monitoring and
reporting programs associated with rainwater, gray water, and black water reuse systems.
Task 2.3: Geospatial Dashboards
The consultant shall utilize agreed upon software, including but not limited to ArcGIS, Power
BI and others, to develop geospatial dashboards that can be used as planning tools, as well as
support previously developed geospatial datasets including, but not limited to, impervious area
layers and demand management maps. The dashboard should include data that will help BEPA
identify opportunity areas and assess the feasibly of implementing projects. Proposed dashboards
should highlight important metrics, statistics, and figures (e.g., maps, plots) that will identify
vulnerable areas and development patterns across the city, as well as opportunities for targeted
outreach and programming. Dashboard elements may include a mass balance tool that
holistically assesses water supply and demand with stormwater management. Other dashboard
elements can include, but are not limited to, historical and projected demand trends, climate and
equity analysis and data, largest opportunities analysis and maps, climate risk vulnerability, and
program cost-benefit. Applications used to develop these dashboards should be agreed upon by
the consultant and DEP staff and their associated elements should be easily understandable to a
variety of DEP audiences, and easy to update and maintain for BEPA staff. The Consultant shall
produce one or several dashboards, a written description of key opportunities or areas of
opportunity for BEPA programs, and a written manual or methodology describing how the
dashboard can be manipulated, tweaked, or enhanced by DEP staff.
Task 2.4: Feasibility Studies and Conceptual Designs
The Consultant shall perform feasibility studies to assess the practicality of innovative
technologies and proposed solutions. These feasibility studies shall include recommendations on
proposed projects that are cost-effective and provide opportunities to maximize project benefits
to the extent possible. Additionally, the Consultant shall provide conceptual designs and
renderings for proposed projects to be further assessed by DEP for potential future
The Consultant shall conduct geotechnical investigations to determine feasibility of proposed
solutions using the Department’s procedures, provide geotechnical investigation oversight,
provide QA/QC, and submit document findings and analysis to support the preparation of
construction contract documents. The Consultant shall collect, analyze and present
recommendations on all geotechnical data in a detailed P.E.-stamped geotechnical report. The
geotechnical report must be subjected to QA/QC by the Consultant and include
recommendations regarding the suitability of the soil for proposed solutions and ensure that all
soil data is consistent with regards to soil characterization and permeability data.
To improve the urban design and placemaking quality of resiliency projects under this contract,
the consultant shall review and document the details of the project selection, design, and delivery
and engagement processes for projects, as well as any creative partnerships and opportunities
that exist to improve design and placemaking quality for resiliency projects. These factors will
be considered in the early stages of the project and be incorporated into design.
The consultant shall perform economic analyses such as rate impact analyses, affordability
analyses, and business case support.
The Work included in this Task may require local and international expertise usually possessed by
the following type of staff:
Grant Writer/Application Expert
Decision Support Specialist
Academic Experts
Task 3.1: Rate Impact and Affordability Analyses
The consultant shall utilize available data to analyze DEP’s existing rate structure. This analysis
should inform how changes to the rate structure may impact revenue and customers, as well as
provide recommendations for mitigating customer impacts through the development of robust
credit programs. The Consultant will expand upon prior rate analyses to further develop the
implementation of new rate structures and support and update the products of prior rate structure
analyses to continue to assess the impacts of various rate structures, including stormwater
charges and credit programs, on different customer classes. Analyses should incorporate and
update previously proposed revenue requirements, rate structures and credit programs,
development charge structure recommendations, economic and financial projections, proposed
and ongoing affordability programs, and customer data to identify those customers most
impacted by certain rate structures. The Consultant shall make programmatic recommendations
to balance multiple objectives including but not limited to ensuring revenue stability, promoting
water conservation and stormwater management, and providing recommendations on how DEP
can maintain affordability and support traditionally underserved populations.
Task 3.2: Business Case Analyses
The consultant shall assist BEPA in making the business case for identified projects by analyzing
project cost and benefits to ensure projects are cost effective and maximizing benefits to the
extent possible. The Consultant shall provide a robust business case for resiliency projects and
options to aid with decision-making and long-term planning. The proposed analysis should
consider climate impacts and changes in probability of damages over time. The analysis should
compare the cost of inaction to various resiliency and adaptation measures, for example, the cost
damages due to repeated flooding compared to the cost of resiliency measures. The Consultant
shall submit a report containing the business case methods, analysis, and takeaways, as well as
discuss how the business case analysis can be used to support planning decision-making tools
outlined in Task 1.3.
Task 3.3: Grant Support
The consultant shall assist BEPA in identifying external funding sources, preparing applications
and supporting existing grants, and providing required analyses. This may include, but is not
limited to, providing environmental reviews, in accordance with federal (National Environmental
You are viewing the opportunity summary page, which includes a brief overview and a preview of the attached documents.
Disclaimer: The details regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), and requests for qualifications (RFQs) on this site are provided for convenience and do not represent official public notice. To respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs, please contact the appropriate government department.


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