Tracking #072 – 7-7012-0001-2025
New York City Department of Correction
Request for Quote –
Tracking # 072 – 7-7012-0001-2025
M/WBE SMALL PURCHASE METHOD Pursuant to Section 3-08 of the New York City Procurement
Policy Board (PPB) Rules. To be eligible to respond to this solicitation, a vendor must be certified by the
Department of Small Business Services (SBS) as a Minority- or Woman-Owned Business.
Classification & Brief Description: Goods
Single & Dual Purpose Pre-Trained Canines
Scope of Work:
The purpose of this contract is to procure Single and Dual Purpose Pre-Trained Canines to the New York City
Department of Correction (DOC). Delivery shall be in the quantity requested for use by The City of New York
Department of Correction. The dogs are to be delivered to The City of New York DOC Rikers Island or, picked up
by the NYC Department of Correction authorized personnel if within the New York Tri-State Area, which includes
parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. If the vendor is within 75 miles of Rikers Island, New York City
Department of Correction will transport the dog back to the vendor for any warranty related returns and pick up the
replacement dog. If the vendor is outside of the 75-mile range, the vendor is responsible for the return or any dog for
warranty purposes and for the transportation of the replacement dog to the department. If the vendor is not able to
bring prospective canines to the Canine Compound for selection testing, the NYC DOC will send staff to the
vendors location to conduct selection testing of any prospective canines. Once selected, the vendor will be
responsible for delivery of canines to the department. Canines are to be green, with no formal training, other than
testing of drives suitable for the requested type of dog being purchased. Canines will complete in house (DOC) the
approved prescribed NYS DCJS Curriculum to be certified as a police service canine. $1,500,000.00 is the
maximum contract value over three (3) years to purchase Canines. The term of the contract is from the date of
registration and ends on June 30, 2027, with an option of a maximum one (1) year extension. The city reserves the
right to move to the following apparent low bidder in succession to make a bid award if the product offered does not
meet the standard specification requirements. "Estimated quantity" is for bidding purposes only. The city may order
more or less than the estimated quantity per line item. The city does not have to order any specific item quantity nor
be limited to the quantity specified. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder will be awarded a contract up to a
maximum value of $1,500,000.00. Unless an increase of purchase order is issued, it is incumbent upon the awarded
vendor not to deliver any more goods once the awarded purchase order total ordered amount has been expended.
The vendor shall cease further delivery once the contract's maximum value has been reached. The city does not
guarantee complete expenditure of the total order amount issued and reserves the right to decrease or terminate the
contract at any time.
Price Increase and Time Extension:
The vendor may request a price increase twelve (12) months after the start period of the contract. A new
increase may be requested twelve (12) months thereafter the previous request. An increase will be allowed only for
the cost of manufacturing. It is the vendor's responsibility to initiate the price adjustment request, and it must be
written on the company letterhead; the request must include the price adjustment calculations and be signed by an
authorized member of the company. The city reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to renew this Contract one or
more times at the same terms and conditions stated herein. The Department shall endeavor to provide the Contractor
sixty (60) days prior written notice of such renewal. Failure to provide such notice shall not prevent the Department
from exercising each option to renew.
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Freight and Handling of Product:
The New York City Department of Correction K9 Unit won't have concrete timeframes as to when purchases
will be made. The New York City Department of Correction K9 Unit will give vendors timely notification, of at least
2 months of the need to procure canines. We will then request current inventory of canines available and arrange for
selection testing, delivery shall be between 6 am and 1 pm Monday - Friday PST.
Below are the proposed specifications for procuring canines for Canine Operations:
1.0 Acceptable Breeds for Green Canines
1.1 Labrador Retrievers, Golden or Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, German Short-haired Pointers
1.2 German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Giant Schnauzer
1.3 Other sporting/ herding breeds will be considered with a written request for consideration as an exception.
2.0 Health Records, Immunizations, and Origins
2.1 The vendor must provide documentation of the following:
2.1.1 Origin of the canine: Country and/or State of origin
2.1.2 Identification: All canines must have a collar with the canines' name. All canines with an implanted
microchip must have an ID tag.
2.1.3 Comprehensive medical history and immunization records
3.0 Physical Health. Canines presented for evaluation must meet the following health criteria:
3.1 Canine must be between 12 months to 36 months of age at the time of evaluation.
3.2 Canines must be of suitable height and weight to allow them to perform the normal duties of the NYC
3.3 The canine must pass a comprehensive physical examination by a veterinarian under contract with the
New York City Department of Correction.
3.4 The contractor must provide any radiographs with the canine to ensure that the bones, joints, and muscles
are healthy. Complete Orthopedic Foundation of America {OFA) quality radiographs are preferred.
3.5 Limbs and Joints. Any condition of the bones, joints or muscles that might hamper or restrict the normal
performance of duty is grounds for disqualification. Examples include hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia, a
malformation of the hip and elbow joints, respectively, which usually results in degenerative joint disease,
arthritis, and chronic lameness. Radiographic evidence of hip dysplasia or elbow dysplasia or degenerative
joint disease, as determined by a veterinarian shall disqualify a canine.
3.6 Fractures, which are unhealed, are disqualifying. Healed fractures resulting in significant bone or joint
conformation changes, or lameness are disqualifying.
3.7 Ligament damage, osteoarthritis, etc., of the limb joints is generally disqualifying.
3.8 Transitional vertebrae of the caudal lumbar spine, lumbosacral junction or sacrum are disqualifying.
Asymmetric pelvic attachment is also disqualifying.
3.9 Nervous System and Basic Senses: Any defect in the nervous system, to include the basic senses of vision,
hearing and sense of smell, is disqualifying. Examples include, but are not limited to, opacities of the cornea,
eyelid deformities, cataracts, retinal degeneration, chronic otitis, acute or chronic rhinitis/sinusitis and spinal
disease. No active infectious disease.
3.10 Gait: All canines shall display normal mobility at a walk and run. Canines will be disqualified for any
gait abnormality, which could affect the canine's ability to perform normal NYC DOC duties.
3.11 Skin and Coat: Skin and coat shall be healthy in appearance, displaying no evidence of chronic
dermatitis, allergies, infections, injuries or marked external parasite infestation (e.g., mange, fleas, etc.). A
matted, unthrifty hair-coat may not be grounds for disqualification but will raise concern about the canine's
general health.
3.12 Teeth and Jaw: Canines shall have normal dentition and dental occlusion, not overshot or undershot jaws.
All four (4) canine teeth shall be present and not he weakened by notching, enamel hypoplasia or abnormal,
excessive wear. They shall not have more than 1/3 inch of the lip missing or have pulp cavity exposed. Oral
infection or excessive periodontal disease may be grounds for disqualifying a canine. Broken teeth or
excessively worn teeth may be disqualifying.
3.13 Heart and Lungs: Heart sounds, rate and rhythm shall be normal (e.g., no murmurs, arrhythmia, etc.). In
general, the cardiovascular and respiratory system shall be normal at rest and upon exercise.
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3.14 Heartworms: All canines submitted for purchase shall be free of heartworm infection (Dirofilaria
immitis). The presence of heartworm infection will be determined by using a heartworm antigen test. A
negative heartworm concentration test (filtration or Knott's) is not sufficient evidence to declare the animal
3.15 Intestinal Parasitism: Infection with intestinal parasites (roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, etc.) may
not be disqualifying, depending on the level of infection and the overall condition of the animal. Presence of
intestinal parasites is, however, an indication of poor care and shall raise concern about the canine's general
3.16 External Parasitism: Presence of fleas, ticks, lice, or mange mites may not be disqualifying, depending on
the amount of infestation, the degree of associated skin disease, and the overall condition of the canine.
Presence of external parasites is, however, an indication of poor care and shall raise concern about the
canine's general health.
3.17 Reproductive and Urinary System: Any congenital or conformational abnormality is disqualifying if the
defect requires long- term medical treatment or results in a shortened working life of the canine. (e.g.,
cryptorchidism is not disqualifying unless the retained testicle results in medical complications not treatable
by simple orchiectomy. A juvenile vulva resulting in urine scalding is disqualifying).
3.18 Immunization: All canines must have been vaccinated within the previous 12 months for rabies, canine
distemper, canine adenovirus (TYPE 2), coronavirus, parainfluenza, parvovirus, and leptospirosis.
Vaccination certificate must include the individual canine identification (ID).
3.19 The candidate must be free of the following common Medically Disqualifying Conditions: The following
list is provided as a helpful guide and example and is not intended to be a complete list.
3.19.1 Hematological abnormalities consistent with severe parasitism, infection, or metabolic disease.
3.19.2 Poor body condition, either emaciation or obesity.
3.19.3 Severe periodontal disease.
3.19.4 Severe, non-resolving or intractable otitis extema or dennatitis.
3.19.5 Radiographic signs of hip or elbow dysplasia or radiographic evidence of degenerative joint
3.19.6 Transitional vertebrae of the caudal lumbar spine, lumbosacral junction, or sacrum.
3.19.7 Previous musculoskeletal injury which has or may lead to degenerative joint disease or
conformational abnormality.
4.0 Canine Temperament/ Suitability for Work
4.1 Temperament: the canine candidate must display:
4.1.1 Acceptance when working amongst small and large groups of people and canines.
4.1.2 Willingness to comply or cooperate with handlers/evaluators.
4.1.3 Willingness to work in proximity to people or other canines even if there is a display of
pronounced aggressiveness from a distractor canine.
4.2 Evaluation canine must not display:
4.2.1 Aggressiveness toward handlers/evaluators.
4.2.2 Sensitivity or fear in response to environmental stimuli such as a busy city, interiors of buildings,
slick surfaces, elevated surfaces, stairs, noisy objects, crowds of people, working loading dock,
slippery and shiny floors, escalators, elevators, stairwells, metal grates and other
4.2.3 Pronounced or uncontrollable leash-biting
4.2.4 Fear, becoming distracted or reacting aggressively, shyness, or nervousness in response to
4.3 Reward Training Play and Prey Drive Evaluation:
4.3.1 Canine must demonstrate the following:
4.3.2 Fetch (Hunt) and Retrieve behaviors to seek the reward in a field.
4.3 .3 Toy Reward interest and consistency during the evaluation.
4.3.4 Speed and Eagerness with which the canine pursues the object and picks it up.
4.3.5 Increased desire to possess toy reward.
4.4 Active search behavior is evaluated in terms of intensive sniffing and investigation of environment.
4.5 Evaluation method
4.5.1 A reward object is thrown it into an area of concealment and/or
4.5.2 A reward object is pretend to be thrown into area of concealment.
4.5.3 Each time, the ca nine's visual contact with the search area is broken by spinning the canine in a
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circle and then the canine is released to search off-leash.
4.5.4 The canine search behavior evaluation is based on intensive sniffing and investigation of
4.5.5 The canine will not be judged solely on its ability to retrieve.
5.0 Health and Performance Warranty.
5.1 Skeletal health warranty is for one (1) year from delivery.
5.2 Genetic or acute illness health (can include but is not limited to IBS and blindness) is for 12 months from
5.3 Physical ability and mental stability as a trainable and workable detection canine is for 6 months from
5.4 Note: Vendor must present green canines with no exposure to formal training. The NYC DOC Evaluator's
opinion on a ca nine's performance is the basis upon which the canine is determined to be acceptable or
unacceptable for deployment as a DOC canine.
5.5 Warranty Returns: NYC DOC shall Return Canines that have failed to meet the requirements within the
warranty period to the vendor when the Canine Exchange examination is scheduled by NYC DOC.
5.5.1 The vendor shall replace any returned canine within 30 days. If a suitable replacement cannot
be obtained within the specified time frame, a full refund will be issued for the cost of the canine.
Term of contract: From Date of Registration – June 30, 2027
Tracking #072 – 7-7012-0001-2025
This procurement is being made pursuant to the M/WBE NON-COMPETITIVE SMALL PURCHASE METHOD.
To be eligible to respond to this solicitation, a vendor must be certified by the NYC Department of Small Business
Services (SBS) as a Minority or Woman-Owned Business.
The New York City Department of Correction (DOC) Central Storehouse Division is seeking a vendor to provide PIC
Minimum Standard Items
Item Description and specifications:
Item No.
Quantity Unit
Delivered Line-Item
Unit Price Sub Total
Single Purpose, Narcotic Detection,
Detection, or Explosive Detection
Dual Purpose, Narcotic Detection,
Detection, or Explosive Detection and
$ingle Purpose, Police Patrol K9
Dual Purpose, Police Patrol K9 & Narcotic
Detection, contraband Detection, or Explosive
Grand Total: $
Estimated quantity is for bidding purposes only. NYC DOC may order more or less than the estimated quantity
per line item. NYC DOC is not required to order any specific quantity of any item or be limited to the quantity
Delivery shall be made between 7am - lpm Monday – Friday, unless otherwise stipulated.
Shipments must be clearly labeled and include a packing slip located on the outside of the pallet clearly indicating
the product being delivered.
All rejected materials must be removed by the vendor within 30 calendar days. Any materials remaining after that
time will be discarded by NYC DOC.
Delivery or Access Requirements:
You are viewing the opportunity summary page, which includes a brief overview and a preview of the attached documents.