James - Domestic Water Pumping Improvements

Bidders ID: NBD18725008338345178
Due Date: Aug 22, 2024
Posted Date: Sep 4, 2024
Level of Government: State & Local
State: Ohio
Agency: Ohio Facility Construction Commission
  • Y - Construction of Structures and Facilities
Solicitation Number: OSU-230534
Source: Members Only
Publish Date Due Date Project Number Owner Project Name Primary Service Estimated Project Cost Q&A Short List Notes
8/8/2024 8/22/2024 OSU-230534 The Ohio State University James - Domestic Water Pumping Improvements D-B $1,400,000 N/A Sauer Group, LLC; Limbach Company LLC

Attachment Preview

Request for Qualifications (Design-Build Contract)
State of Ohio Standard Forms and Documents
Administration of Project: Local Higher Education
James - Domestic Water Pumping
Project Name Improvements
Project Location James Cancer Hospital (0375)
City / County Columbus/ Franklin
The Ohio State University
Delivery Method Design-Build
No. of paper copies requested (stapled, not bound)
Response Deadline 08.22.2024
2:00 PM local time
Project Number
Project Manager
Mitchell Dollery
Contracting Authority Local Higher Education
Prevailing Wages State
No. of electronic copies requested (PDF)
Submit the Statements of Qualifications (Form F110-330) via email to James_-
_Domestic_Water_Pumping_Improvements.01_Selection1@docs.e-builder.net. In the subject line, include the project number
and name for the RFQ you are responding to. See Section G of this RFQ for additional submittal instructions.
Submit all questions regarding this RFQ in writing to Mitchell Dollery at dollery.2@osu.edu with the project number and name
included in the subject line (no phone calls please). Questions will be answered and posted to the Opportunities page on the
OFCC website at Project Opportunities on a regular basis until one week before the response deadline. The name of the party
submitting a question will not be included on the Q&A document.
Project Overview
A. Project Description
For this project, the Owner will be requesting a Competitive GMP at the time of Request for Proposal as part of
the Best Value selection process.
The Ohio State University (Ohio State) requests qualifications for a design build team with all required consultants and
sub-contractors necessary to complete The James Domestic Water Pump Improvments Project. The James has two
domestic water service inlets which connect in the 8th floor mechanical room near the booster pump package which
delivers elevated pressure to the high and mid zones on the tower; the low zone is fed using street delivery pressure. Due
to issues with the level and stability of the current delivery pressure, this project aims to interconnect the two service inlets
within the lower level (Conference Level) of the James add a new pump package designed to ensure sufficient pressure
across a range of delivery conditions. Scope will include small architectural component to combine two spaces for the new
pump room and possibly enabling work to relocate existing staff.
The Program of Requirements (“POR”) as well has 60% Criteria Documents are being finalized by the Criteria
Architect/Engineer (“Criteria A/E”). and will be distributed to the shortlisted firms with the RFP.
All aspects of the project and related issues will be implemented and operated consistent with the Contracting Authority
and/or Owner’s policies and procedures. Full scope and description of work are subject to change.
B. Scope of Services
The Owner will be requesting a GMP as part of the Best Value selection process; therefore, self-performed work will be
approved, subject to the firm submitting an acceptable subcontractor plan. The short-listed firms are treated as approved
subcontractors for this purpose. There will be no obligation for the selected firm to solicit bids from subcontractors for the
purpose of comparing the price of proposed self-performed work. In addition, the contingency utilization provisions related
to the award of a low subcontractor bid are waived.
The selected Design-Builder (“DB”), as a portion of its required Scope of Services and prior to submitting its proposal, will
discuss and clarify with the Contracting Authority and/or Owner, the breakdown of the Agreement detailed cost
components, to address the Owner’s project requirements and refine the project schedule. Participate in the Encouraging
Diversity, Growth & Equity (EDGE) Program as required by statute and the Agreement.
As required by the Agreement, and as properly authorized, provide the following categories of services: develop and
maintain estimates of probable construction cost, value engineering, project schedules, and construction schedules; lead
and manage the Schematic Design, Design Development, Subcontractor Prequalification and Bidding process,
Construction Documents, Construction and Closeout stages.
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Request for Qualifications (Design-Build Contract) continued
The project shall follow the applicable University Sustainability Standards: https://fod.osu.edu/sites/default/files/div_18.pdf.
The selected DB will be required to sign the standard agreement provided at time of Request for Proposal. No
modifications to the requirements in the agreement will be accepted. Required Professional Liability Insurance will be per
General Conditions Articles 10.3.7, 10.3.8 and 10.3.9.
The preconstruction and construction services are generally described below. With the exception of self-performed work,
subcontracts including but not limited to Plumbing, Fire Protection, HVAC, and Electrical trades will be awarded by the DB
to prequalified vendors using a competitive process. The parties will engage in an "open book" pricing method in which all
subcontracted work shall be based upon competitive pricing that will be reviewed by the Contracting Authority/Owner, the
Criteria A/E and the DB. The Contracting Authority/Owner shall have access to all books, records, documents and other
data in the DB's possession related to itself, its subcontractors and material suppliers pertaining to bidding, pricing or
performance of the Agreement.
Preconstruction Services: The DB will work cooperatively with the Contracting Authority/Owner, Criteria A/E and Project
Team, and will provide, among other services, schedule development, estimate development, program verification,
schematic design, design development, subcontractor prequalification and bidding, construction documents preparation,
constructability review, permits, budgeting, target value design, and preconstruction planning throughout the
preconstruction stages.
Construction Services: The DB shall construct the Project pursuant to the construction documents and in accordance with
the schedule requirements. The DB shall hold all subcontracts and shall be fully responsible for the means and methods
of construction, weekly progress meetings, testing and inspections, project safety, project completion within the schedule
agreed upon in the preconstruction phase, compliance with all applicable laws and regulations including monitoring
compliance with all EDGE, equal employment, and prevailing wage requirements, and submitting monthly reports of these
activities to the Contracting Authority. All subcontracts shall be on the subcontract form prescribed by OAC Section 153:1-
03-02. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to approve the DB’s selection of subcontractors and any supplemental
terms to the subcontract form.
The Ohio State University is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, patients, staff, visitors
and contractors. While not exclusive, guidelines governing safety expectations for construction/ renovation projects within
Ohio State buildings are set forth in the Building Design Standards Appendix V and are summarized here:
https://fod.osu.edu/resources, under the section titled “Construction Site Safety Requirements.”
Closeout Services: The closeout for this project is required to be delivered in an electronic cloud-based format using e-
Builder Project Management System and adhere to The Ohio State University Project Closeout Standards. The Ohio
State University Project Closeout Standards can be accessed via the OSU FOD vender resource website
(https://fod.osu.edu/resources) under Post Construction / Close Out.
The DB will comply with applicable OSU Wexner Medical Center policies, including the Identification Badge Policy, which
incorporates the Non-discretionary Vaccination Policy/Employee Health Infection Control and Background Check Policies,
as identified at https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/utility/footer/vendor-interaction. The DB is responsible for all costs incurred
related to compliance with these policies.
Funding / Estimated Budget
Total Project Cost $1.4M
Construction Cost $1M
State Funding
Other Funding
Anticipated Schedule
DB Preconstruction Services Start
Construction Stage Notice to Proceed
Substantial Completion of all Work
DB Services Completed
11 / 24
02/ 25
05 / 25
07 / 25
EDGE Participation Goal
Percent of the DB’s total compensation
excluding DB’s Contingency*
*Preconstruction Stage Compensation plus Contract Sum
minus DB’s Contingency
F. Evaluation Criteria for Selection
Selection Criteria: The DB will be selected using (i) qualifications-based process during the Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) stage to develop a short list and (ii) best value process during the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage. The
qualifications-based criteria for the RFQ is included in this announcement. The best value criteria used in evaluating
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Request for Qualifications (Design-Build Contract) continued
proposals from short listed firms will include such factors that are determined to derive or offer the greatest value to the
State and Owner, combining both qualifications and fee.
Short List: Each firm responding to this RFQ will be evaluated and selected based on its qualifications and the
qualifications and experience of the particular individuals identified as the candidate's proposed team for the Project. After
evaluating the responses to this RFQ, the Contracting Authority will select a short list of no fewer than three candidates
that it considers to be the most qualified, except if the Contracting Authority determines that fewer than three firms are
qualified, it will only select the qualified firms.
Request for Proposal: The short-listed firms shall be sent a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) that will invite the firms to submit
pricing proposals containing their proposed preconstruction stage compensation, construction stage personnel costs,
itemized construction stage general conditions costs, construction stage contingency percentage, construction stage
design fee percentage, and design-build fee percentage. The short-listed candidates will also receive (i) form of the
Agreement with the Contracting Authority containing the contract terms and conditions, (ii) set of the most recent criteria
documents and (iii) proposed Project schedule.
Pre-Proposal Meeting: Prior to submitting a response to the RFP, the short-listed firms will be invited to meet individually
with the Contracting Authority/Owner. The purpose of the pre-proposal meeting is to permit the short-listed firms an
opportunity to ask the Contracting Authority/Owner questions in an individual setting to help the firms prepare their
responses to the RFP. The Contracting Authority will notify each short-listed firm to schedule individual times for the pre-
proposal meetings.
At the pre-proposal meeting, short-listed firms will be required to submit the completed Contractor Pre-Work Evaluation
form, available here https://fod.osu.edu/resources, under the section titled “Construction Site Safety Requirements.”
Interview: After submitting responses to the RFP, the short-listed firms will be interviewed by the Contracting
Authority/Owner. The purpose of the interview will be to meet the proposed Project team, become familiar with key
personnel, and understand the project approach and ability to meet the stated objectives for the Project. Please be
prepared to discuss with specificity the firm’s capacity to conduct this work in compliance with the timetable, budget and
EDGE expectations. The Contracting Authority will notify each short-listed firm to schedule individual times for the
Selection Schedule: Tentative schedule is subject to change.
Qualifications Due
RFP issued to the Short-Listed Firms
Proposals Due
Selection of DB
Cancellation and Rejection: The Contracting Authority reserves the right to reject all proposals and cancel at any time for
any reason this solicitation, any portion of this solicitation or any phase of the Project. The Contracting Authority shall
have no liability to any proposer arising out of such cancellation or rejection. The Contracting Authority reserves the right
to waive minor variations in the selection process.
Interested DB firms are required to submit the Commitment to Participate in the EDGE Business Assistance Program form
in its Statement of Qualifications (Form F110-330) submitted in response to the RFQ, to indicate its intent to contract with
and use EDGE-certified Business Enterprise(s), as a part of the DB’s team. The EDGE Affidavit and / or waiver request
letter and Demonstration of Good Faith Effort form(s) with complete documentation must be attached to the DB’s
Proposal. Both forms can be accessed via the OFCC website at Procurement Forms.
If the DB firm intends to receive points for exceeding the EDGE Participation Goal, it must provide BOTH a
completed Commitment to Participate form AND a completed Statement of Intent to Contract and to Perform forms
signed by both parties with its Statement of Qualifications.
For all Statements of Qualifications, please identify the EDGE-certified Business Enterprises, by name, which will
participate in the delivery of the proposed professional services solicited in the RFQ.
Interested DB firms must indicate on their Statement of Qualifications, the locations where their services will be performed
in the spaces provided or by attachment in accordance with the requirements of Executive Order 2019-12D related to
providing services only within the United States and the requirements of Executive Order 2022-02D prohibiting purchases
from or investment in any Russian institution or company. Failure to do so may cause their Statement of Qualifications to
be rejected.
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Request for Qualifications (Design-Build Contract) continued
G. Submittal Instructions
Firms are required to submit the current version of Statement of Qualifications (Form F110-330) available via the OFCC
website at Procurement Forms.
Electronic submittals should be combined into one PDF file saved with the form name, project number listed on the RFQ
and your firm’s name (ex. F110-330_OSU-nnnnnn_Firm Name). Use the “print” feature of Adobe Acrobat or similar
software for creating a PDF rather than using a scanner. If possible, please reduce the file size of the PDF. In Acrobat, go
to Advanced, then PDF Optimizer.
Statements of Qualifications must be submitted electronically by email. Submittals are limited to one email with a
maximum file size of 25 MB.
Unless otherwise noted or exempt, all documents submitted to the Contracting Authority in response to this RFQ and
subsequent RFP are public and will be available for inspection at the conclusion of the selection process. The following
information shall remain confidential and will not be released: (1) Proposal Form(s), except for cost category subtotals
which will be transferred to the Best Value Rating Form; (2) Financial Capacity; and (3) Bonding/Insurance.
Proposers are requested to submit the following information in response to this RFQ within Section H of Form F110-330.
1. Summary: Provide a summary, on one page or less, describing why your firm/team is the most qualified for the
2. Bonding/Insurance: Provide evidence of capacity to provide bonding in the amount of the construction budget
(e.g. a letter from your Surety agent stating that one or more Sureties will issue Bonds in the amount of the
construction budget if your team is selected) and a copy of the firm's certificate of insurance showing the firm's
current limits of liability for commercial general liability, employer's liability, business automobile liability, and
professional liability insurance.
3. Management Systems: Describe the scheduling and cost control systems the firm would propose to use for the
a. The project team (Owner / C-AE / DB) will be required to utilize eBuilder, the University’s Project
Management System, for all compatible services required by the University. Please comment on
incorporating this system into your construction services and in conjunction with your prescribed corporate
project management systems, if any.
4. Self-Performed Work: Indicate whether the firm intends to self-perform any work on the Project through a
competitive process and, if so, the nature of the work and capability to self-perform.
5. Estimating: Demonstrated track record of performance of in-house estimating on projects comparable to the
6. Scheduling: Demonstrated track record of performance of managing projects to the original schedule.
Firms are requested to identify professional registrations, memberships and credentials including but not limited to: LEED
GA, LEED AP, LEED AP+, CCCA, CCM, CCS, CDT, CPE, DBIA, and any other appropriate design and construction
industry credentials. Identify that information on the resume page for individual in Block 22, Section E of the F110-330
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Design-Build Selection Rating Form
State of Standard Forms and Documents
Project Name James - Domestic Water Pumping Improvements
Project Number OSU-230534
Proposer Firm
City, State, Zip
Selection Criteria
1. Primary Firm Location and Workload (Maximum 10 points)
a. Proximity of firm to project site
b. Amount of contracts awarded by Contracting
Authority in previous 24 months
Less than 50 miles
50 miles to 100 miles
More than 100 miles
Less than $200,000
$200,000 to $1,000,000
More than $1,000,000
2. Primary Qualifications (Maximum 35 points)
a. Project management lead
b. Project design lead
c. Technical staff
d. Construction administration staff
Experience / ability of project manager to
manage scope / budget / schedule / quality
Experience / creativity of project designer to
achieve owner’s vision and requirements
Experience / ability of technical staff to
coordinate construction documents and
develop accurate estimates and schedules
Experience / ability of field representatives to
identify and solve issues during construction
3. Key Consultant Qualifications (Maximum 15 points)
a. Key consultants
Experience / ability of key consultants to
perform effectively and collaboratively
b. Proposed EDGE-certified Consultant participation*
One point for every 2 percent
increase in Services compensation** over
the EDGE participation goal
4. Overall Team Qualifications (Maximum 10 points)
a. Previous team collaboration
b. OSU Sustainability Standards or LEED*** project
c. BIM project experience
d. Team organization
Less than 2 sample projects
2 to 4 sample projects
More than 4 sample projects
LEED projects
OSU Sustainability Standards projects
Training and knowledge
Direct project experience
Clarity of responsibility / communication
demonstrated by table of organization
5. Overall Team Experience (Maximum 30 points)
a. Previous team performance
b. Experience with similar projects / delivery methods
c. Budget and schedule management
d. Knowledge of Ohio Capital Improvements process
Past performance as indicated by
evaluations and letters of reference
Less than 3 projects
3 to 6 projects
More than 6 projects
Performance in completing projects within
original construction budget and schedule
Less than 3 projects
3 to 6 projects
More than 6 projects
0 - 10
Max =
0 - 15
0 - 10
2 Max = 3
Max = 2
Max = 3
0 - 10
7 - 10
* Must be comprised of consulting firm(s) and NOT the lead firm
** Preconstruction Stage Compensation plus Contract Sum minus Subcontracted Work, Self-performed
Work, and DB’s Contingency
*** Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design administered by the Green Building Certification
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You are viewing the opportunity summary page, which includes a brief overview and a preview of the attached documents.
Disclaimer: The details regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), and requests for qualifications (RFQs) on this site are provided for convenience and do not represent official public notice. To respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs, please contact the appropriate government department.


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