LM082224 Standardized Programming Services

Bidders ID: NBD17197470687635482
Due Date: Feb 11, 2025
Posted Date: Feb 3, 2025
Level of Government: State & Local
State: Connecticut
Agency: University of Connecticut
  • D - Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication Services
Solicitation Number: LM082224
Source: Members Only
LM082224 Standardized Programming Services
Number LM082224
Open 1/15/2025
Close 2/11/2025 2:00 PM
Type RFQ - Request for Qualification

1/22/2024 10:00 AM

Virtual Meeting

Questions Due
Shamona Kamm shamona.kamm@uconn.edu (860) 486-5797
Details To access this bid document in our HuskyBuy self-service online portal, please click this link:


If you need assistance in preparing your online bid submittal please reach out to the contact listed for this solicitation.

Documents LM082224-SIS .pdf

LM082224-Addendum-1 .pdf

Attachment Preview

The University of Connecticut is accepting sealed Proposals for:
RFP RELEASE DATE: January 15, 2025
CONTRACT NAME: Standardized Programming Practices
SERVICE LOCATION(S): All University of Connecticut Campuses
PROCUREMENT AGENT: Shamona Kamm, Shamona.kamm@uconn.edu (860)486-5797
INTENT OF THIS SOLICITATION: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to obtain proposals
from experienced and qualified firms to provide Standardized Programming Practices on an as-needed
basis. Firms will develop and maintain building management system programming and standards
development services for new construction and renovation projects.
LOCATION OF THIS SOLICITATION: Submit a Proposal for this solicitation through the HuskyBuy Portal:
SBE/MBE PARTICIPATION: The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a professionally
inclusive environment within which small and minority businesses are encouraged to participate in the
procurement experience. As such, we encourage participation by Small (SBE) businesses, Minority-Owned
(MBE) businesses, Woman-Owned (WBE) businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability
(DisBE), certified as such by the Connecticut’s Department of Administrative Services Supplier Diversity
Division. For further information, visit: https://portal.ct.gov/DAS/Services/Licensing-Certification-
Permitting-and-Codes/Small-Minority-Business-Center. To learn about the University of Connecticut’s
Supplier Diversity Program, visit: https://supplierdiversity.ubs.uconn.edu. Additionally, the University
encourages Connecticut-based businesses to participate in this public solicitation process.
Pre-Proposal Conference Date and Time
Pre-Proposal Conference Location
January 22, 2025 10:00 AM
The Pre-Proposal Conference will be held as a
virtual video conference. A link for the virtual
video conference will be provided upon request.
CPFP Facilities Services RFP Sept. 2024
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Q&A (RFI) Due Date and Time
Proposal Due Date and Time
Please send all requests to the buyer listed
January 29, 2025 2:00 PM
February 11, 2025 2:00 PM
PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: During the Pre-Proposal Conference, the RFP and Scope of Work will be
discussed. The Pre-Proposal Conference is not mandatory, however, interested Proposers are strongly
encouraged to attend.
REQUEST FOR INFORMATION QUESTIONS: All Requests for Information (“RFI”) questions are to be posted
under the Q&A Board Tab in the HuskyBuy sourcing event for this Solicitation. No phone calls or RFI
questions emailed directly to the Procurement Agent will be accepted.
CLARIFICATIONS, ADDENDA, and INTERPRETATIONS: Proposers shall promptly notify the University of
any ambiguity, inconsistency, or error which they may discover upon examination of the Specifications
and contract documents.
Any and all interpretations of the Specifications, RFI Responses, contract documents, and supplemental
instructions, will be in the form of a clarification/addendum, and posted as part of the HuskyBuy sourcing
event. Failure of a Proposer to receive any such clarification/addendum or interpretation shall not release
a Proposer from the obligations under its Proposal as submitted.
CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS: This is a Quality-Based Selection solicitation process. Proposals shall be
evaluated utilizing the objective technical criteria listed within the RFP, as well as any additional
information obtained from persons or other sources identified in the Proposal.
The Contract is planned to start: March 1, 2025
Contract Term: Two (2) years, ending on February 28, 2027, with three (3) one-year extension
DESCRIPTION OF SCOPE OF WORK: The University of Connecticut is seeking proposals from experienced and
qualified individuals or firms to provide the specified services of an “on call 24 hours a day/7 days a week
Systems Programmer” to develop and maintain building management system programming and standards
development services for the new construction and renovation projects at the University. On call service is
required to support reload/reboot of systems in the event of power outages, etc. to minimize offline time or
data acquisition degradation. UConn is committed to commissioning, operating, and maintaining the
University facilities in the most energy and water efficient manner. Developing standardized building
management system programming protocols to verify and document that systems are complete and
functioning properly upon occupancy and ensuring that the University staff have adequate system
documentation and training to sustain and maintain proper function throughout the life of the systems.
The Company shall have the experience and ability to self-perform the majority of the services for this
In the event that the firm needs to hire a subconsultant(s) to perform specialized services for any
assignment, the firm must submit the following information to the University in writing for approval:
CPFP Facilities Services RFP Sept. 2024
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The name and qualifications of the subconsultant(s), including their company profile, resume, and
relevant experience.
The hourly rates of the subconsultant(s).
Proposal detailing the scope of services provided
The University will review the provided documentation and must approve the use of the subconsultant(s)
before they are engaged for an assignment, and before any purchase order is issued.
COST PROPOSAL: Submit a Cost Proposal utilizing the Form provided. No substitution of the Form is
permitted. The University intends to utilize the following compensation methods:
Time and Materials: Provide labor rates for designated disciplines associated with the Scope of
Work. Such rates shall be all inclusive and compensation for work performed will be the actual
documented costs incurred by the Proposer for materials, labor and subcontractor costs.
Pricing for subconsultant(s) used for the performance of the contracted services shall be no
greater than a 5% markup from the firm’s actual invoice cost. This percentage is nonnegotiable.
QUALFICATIONS OF PROPOSER: In addition to submitting a Cost Proposal, all Proposers must provide
information/documentation with their submission that demonstrates the following:
REQUIRED LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS: If selected as the Vendor of Choice, your Company will
be required to provide a copy of the following during the Letter of Intent process.
a. Certification as a Certified Energy Manager by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) and/or
actively registered as a CT Professional Engineer in the State of Connecticut LEED Green Associate
or SITES certification and/or equivalent.
b. Certification as a “Programmer” in the plain English programming language by at least one of the
following companies: Andover Controls, Schneider Electric or Tour Anderson Controls (TAC),
Automated Logic, Johnson Controls, Siemens, and/or Westinghouse.
- NARRATIVE OF SCOPE OF WORK: Prepare a Narrative that demonstrates your Company’s
understanding of the Scope of Work for this Contract. Concisely present an approach that includes the
a. Technical Approach: Describe your Company’s approach, including its technical qualifications, for
completing the Scope of Work for this Contract. Demonstrate your capability to develop and maintain
building management system programming and standards development services for the new
construction and renovation projects, energy audit and system monitoring & reporting services at
the University. The University has various programs, such as Andover Controls, Schneider Electric
or Tour Anderson Controls (TAC.), Automated Logic, Johnson Controls, Siemens, and/or
Westinghouse. Firm to provide information regarding which systems they hold Programmer
b. Quality Assurance/Quality Control: Describe your Company’s process and procedure for managing
and assuring the quality of its performance for this Contract.
- PREVIOUS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Describe the overall qualifications of the Proposer, including
background in this field and the services that it provides. Utilize the Previous Relevant Experience Form,
FacServ-RFQ/ITB provided with this RFP.
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a. It is recommended that the Proposer provide three (3) examples that are in progress or completed
within the past ten (10) years, comparable in size, scope, and similar environment to the Scope of
Work for this RFP, with an emphasis on:
1. Building controls in commercial and industrial environments & critical laboratory
2. Performing application programming using the “Continuum Plain English” software
application by Andover Controls.
3. Creating and editing graphic user interfaces using the “Pinpoint” software
application by Andover Controls.
b. A detailed description of the work performed and how it relates to the Scope of Work outlined in
the RFP shall be included.
c. Examples with any information on the Form stated as “confidential” may not be considered.
- PROPOSED TEAM QUALIFICATIONS: The Proposer must demonstrate the ability to staff this Contract
with high quality, experienced personnel. Describe the qualifications and responsibilities of the key
personnel who will be assigned to the Contract including their experience on similar assignments and
their specific responsibilities for the proposed Contract. Utilize the Resume for Proposed Key Personnel,
FacServ-RFP/ITB provided with this RFP.
a. It is recommended that the Proposer provide Resumes for the following positions:
Principal, Energy Engineer, Project Manager
b. Provide an Organizational Chart that identifies the primary team members’ roles.
MISCELLANEOUS REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: The Proposal shall include the following documents:
1. SEEC Form 10: Review the SEEC Form 10: Notice to Executive Branch State Contractors and Prospective
State Contractors of Campaign Contribution and Solicitation Limitations (acknowledgment of receipt
of the explanation of prohibitions) and upload the executed Form where applicable. The Form can be
found at: https://seec.ct.gov/Portal/data/forms/ContrForms/seec_form_10_final.pdf.
2. Bidder Contract Compliance Monitoring Report: Review the Commission on Human Rights and
Opportunities Bidder Contract Compliance Regulations Notification to Bidders and upload the
completed Report where applicable. The Form can be found at: https://portal.ct.gov/-
3. Supplier Diversity Certificate: If certified, provide your Company’s current Supplier Diversity Certificate
issued by the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services.
CONTRACT: A draft of the contract will be provided by Addendum. The University reserves the right to
modify the contract or waive any informality as it deems to be in the best interest of the University. By
submitting a Proposal, your Company accepts the contract and any modifications that the University
deems necessary to it without exception. Proposers will be notified of any modifications to the contract
made by the University. Any exceptions to the contract submitted by the Proposer will not be considered.
End of Solicitation Information Sheet
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You are viewing the opportunity summary page, which includes a brief overview and a preview of the attached documents.
Disclaimer: The details regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), and requests for qualifications (RFQs) on this site are provided for convenience and do not represent official public notice. To respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs, please contact the appropriate government department.


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