Pharmaceuticals and Emergency Medical Supplies

Bidders ID: NBD15734005972777185
Due Date: Feb 14, 2025
Posted Date: Feb 3, 2025
Level of Government: State & Local
State: Arizona
Agency: City of Phoenix
  • 65 - Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies
Solicitation Number: RFQu 25-0485
Source: Members Only
Pharmaceuticals and Emergency Medical Supplies

Updated: 02/03/2025 9:30 AM

Updated: 02/03/2025 9:30 AM

Solicitation Details
Solicitation/Project Number

RFQu 25-0485



Contract Specialist/Procurement Officer

Margaret Worrall

Pre-Offer Conference/Pre-Submittal Meeting

01/22/2025 2:00 PM

Date Due

02/14/2025 2:00 PM



The purpose of this solicitation is to supply the City of Phoenix with as-needed medications and medical supplies. The products purchased under the resulting contract(s) will provide Emergency Medical Services staff the needed medications and medical supplies while providing emergency medical services and to ensure on-hand levels of certain products.

Attachment Preview

City of Phoenix
Finance Central Procurement
251 W Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ
RELEASE DATE: January 14, 2025
RESPONSE DEADLINE: February 7, 2025, 2:00 pm
City of Phoenix
Pharmaceuticals and Emergency Medical Supplies
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3
2. INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 4
3. SCOPE OF WORK .............................................................................................................. 14
4. EVALUATION PROCESS ................................................................................................... 16
5. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................................................... 17
6. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................................................ 29
7. DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION .................................................................................. 33
8. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................34
9. SUBMITTALS...................................................................................................................36
10. PRICING PROPOSAL ..................................................................................................... 38
A - Acceptance Form 2025
B - Submittals - 24 Hour Emergency Contact rev 2-2023.
C - Submittals - Certification of Recycled Products rev 2-2023
D - Submittals - Conflict of Interest and Transparency rev 2-2023
E - Submittals - Contractor Licensing Requirements rev 2-2023
F - Submittals - Costs and Payments rev 2-2023
G - Submittals - Debarment & Exclusion rev 2-2023
H - Submittals - Delivery rev 2-2023
I - Submittals - Offer Page rev 3-2023
J - Submittals - Place of Business rev 2-2023
K - Submittals - References rev 2-2023
L - Submittal - Bid Price Schedule: Medication and Medical Supply List
Request For Qualification #RFQu-25-0485
Title: Pharmaceuticals and Emergency Medical Supplies
1. Introduction
1.1. Summary
The purpose of this solicitation is to supply the City of Phoenix with as-needed medications and
medical supplies. The products purchased under the resulting contract(s) will provide
Emergency Medical Services staff the needed medications and medical supplies while providing
emergency medical services and to ensure on-hand levels of certain products.
1.2. Contact Information
Margaret Worrall
Finance Procurement Officer
251 W Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: (602) 262-6451
Finance Central Procurement
1.3. Timeline
Schedule of Events
The City reserves the right to change dates, times, and locations, as necessary. All times are
local Phoenix time. The City does not always hold a Pre-Offer Conference or Site Visit.
To request a reasonable accommodation or alternative format for any public meeting, please
contact the Procurement Officer (Margaret Worrall) at (602) 999-0651/Voice or 711/TTY, or, no later than two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
Solicitation Issue Date January 14, 2025
Pre-Offer Conference (Non-
January 22, 2025, 2:00pm
Webex Meeting:
Written Inquiries Due Date January 27, 2025, 4:00pm
Offer Due Date February 7, 2025, 2:00pm
Request For Qualification #RFQu-25-0485
Title: Pharmaceuticals and Emergency Medical Supplies
2. Instructions
2.1. Description Statement of Need
The City of Phoenix invites sealed offers for pharmaceuticals and emergency supplies and
equipment for a five-year contract commencing on or about March 1, 2025, in accordance with
the specifications and provisions contained herein or the “Effective Date” which is upon award
by City Council, conditioned upon signature and recording by the City Clerk’s department, as
required by the Phoenix City Code, whichever is later.
This solicitation is available through Arizona Relay Service 7-1-1. Please call TTY 800-367-8939
for assistance.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement will terminate upon the earliest occurrence: by
reaching the end of the term including any extensions exercised, or termination pursuant to the
provisions of this Agreement.
2.2. City’s Vendor Self-Registration and Notification
Vendors must be registered in the City’s procurePHX Self-Registration System at to respond to solicitations and access procurement
information. The City may, at its sole discretion, reject any offer from an Offeror who has not
2.3. Preparation of Offer
All forms provided in Submittal Section must be completed and submitted with the Offer. The
signed and completed Conflict of Interest and Transparency form must be included or your Offer
may be deemed non-responsive.
It is permissible to copy Submittal forms if necessary. Erasures, interlineations, or other
modifications of the Offer must be initialed in original ink by the authorized person signing the
Offer. No offer will be altered, amended or withdrawn after the specified offer due date and time.
The City is not responsible for Offeror’s errors or omissions.
All time periods stated as a number of days will be calendar days.
It is the responsibility of all Offerors to examine the entire solicitation and seek clarification of
any requirement that may not be clear and to check all responses for accuracy before
submitting an offer. Negligence in preparing an offer confers no right of withdrawal after due
date and time. Offerors are strongly encouraged to:
A. Consider applicable laws and/or economic conditions that may affect cost, progress,
performance, or furnishing of the products or services.
B. Study and carefully correlate Offeror’s knowledge and observations with the solicitation
and other related data.
C. Promptly notify the City of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Offeror
has discovered in or between the solicitation and other related documents.
Request For Qualification #RFQu-25-0485
Title: Pharmaceuticals and Emergency Medical Supplies
D. The City does not reimburse the cost of developing, presenting or providing any
response to this solicitation. Offers submitted for consideration should be prepared
simply and economically, providing adequate information in a straightforward and
concise manner. The Offeror is responsible for all costs incurred in responding to this
solicitation. All materials and documents submitted in response to this solicitation
become the property of the City and will not be returned.
2.4. Fixed Offer Price Period
All offers shall be firm and fixed for a period of 180 calendar days from the solicitation opening
2.5. Obtaining a Copy of the Solicitation and Addenda
Interested Offerors may download the complete solicitation and addenda from Any interested Offerors without internet access may obtain this
solicitation by calling the Procurement Officer or picking up a copy during regular business
hours at the City of Phoenix, Finance Department, Central Procurement Division, 251 W
Washington Street, 8th Floor, Phoenix, AZ. It is the Offeror’s responsibility to check the website,
read the entire solicitation, and verify all required information is submitted with their Offer.
2.6. Exceptions
Offeror must not take any exceptions to any terms, conditions or material requirements of this
solicitation. Offers submitted with exceptions may be deemed non-responsive and disqualified
from further consideration in the City’s sole discretion. Offerors must conform to all the
requirements specified in the solicitation. The City encourages Offerors to send inquiries to the
Procurement Officer rather than including exceptions in their Offer.
2.7. Inquiries
All questions that arise relating to this solicitation should be directed via email to the
Procurement Officer and must be received by the due date indicated in the Schedule of Events.
The City will not consider questions received after the deadline.
No informal contact initiated by Offerors on the proposed service will be allowed with members
of City’s staff from date of distribution of this solicitation until after city council awards the
contract. All questions concerning or issues related to this solicitation must be presented in
The Procurement Officer will answer written inquiries in an addendum and publish any
addendums on the Procurement Website.
2.8. Addenda
The City of Phoenix will not be responsible for any oral instructions made by any employees or
officers of the City of Phoenix regarding this solicitation. Any changes will be in the form of an
addendum. The Offeror must acknowledge receipt of any/all addenda by signing and returning
the document with the Offer submittal.
You are viewing the opportunity summary page, which includes a brief overview and a preview of the attached documents.
Disclaimer: The details regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), and requests for qualifications (RFQs) on this site are provided for convenience and do not represent official public notice. To respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs, please contact the appropriate government department.


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