TH 3 Corridor Visioning Study

Bidders ID: NBD14658747698693228
Due Date: Feb 7, 2025
Posted Date: Feb 3, 2025
Level of Government: State & Local
State: Minnesota
Agency: State Government of Minnesota
  • B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D
Source: Members Only

TH 3 Corridor Visioning Study

Brief description: MnDOT requests letters of interest for the Trunk Highway (TH) 3 Corridor Visioning Study that covers a 12.5-mile section between Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights, aiming to assess and improve the corridor’s future performance and safety. Key tasks include project management, stakeholder engagement, and public outreach to gather input on transportation needs and potential improvements. The study will analyze current conditions, forecast future traffic patterns, and develop alternative design concepts to enhance multi-modal access and safety. Final deliverables will include a report summarizing findings, public feedback, and recommendations for future projects, ensuring alignment with accessibility, safety, and equity goals.

Date posted: 01/02/2025
Due date: 02/07/2025 - Updated 1/27*

Attachment Preview

1.0 Preliminary Design
1.12 Environmental Documentation – Class II Actions
1.13 Environmental Documentation – Class III Actions
1.21 Geometric Layouts – Level 1
1.22 Geometric Layouts – Level 2
2.0 Highway Design
2.11 Highway Design – Level 1
2.12 Highway Design – Level 2
2.13 Highway Design – Level 3
3.0 Bridge Design
3.11 Bridge and Structure Design – Level 1
3.12 Bridge and Structure Design – Level 2
3.13 Bridge and Structure Design – Level 3
3.14 Bridge and Structure Design – Level 4
4.0 Bridge Inspection
4.1 Structural Metals Inspection
4.4 High Mast Light Tower Weld Inspection
5.0 Environmental Studies
5.2 Air Quality Analysis
5.3 Noise Analysis & Abatement Design
5.4 Contaminated Property Investigation – Level I
5.51 Wetland Services – Level 1
5.52 Wetland Services – Level 2
5.53 Wetland Services – Level 3
6.0 Materials Testing
6.1 Geotechnical Studies
6.2 Highway Materials Testing
6.31 Geotechnical Laboratory Testing – Level 1
6.32 Geotechnical Laboratory Testing – Level 2
6.4 Vibration Analysis & Monitoring
6.5 Pile Load Testing
6.6 Standard Penetration & Rock Coring
6.7 Cone Penetration Test
6.8 Solid Stem Auger Drilling
6.9 Soils Analysis & Recommendations
6.10 Ground Penetration Radar Survey
6.11 Geotechnical Instrumentation
7.0 Transportation Planning
7.11 Planning – Class I
7.12 Planning – Class II
7.13 Planning – Class III
8.0 Right of Way Assistance
8.1 Direct Purchase
8.2 Relocation Assistance – Level 1
8.3 Field Title Investigation
8.4 Title Services
8.51 R/W Appraisals – Level 1
8.52 R/W Appraisals – Level 2
9.0 Land Surveys
9.11 Geodetic Control Surveying – Level 1
9.12 Geodetic Control Surveying – Level 2
9.13 Geodetic Control Surveying – Level 3
9.14 Geodetic Control Surveying – Level 4
9.2 Legal Description Preparation
9.3 Production of Right of Way Acquisition Plats
9.4 Design/Location Surveys
9.5 Right-of-Way Surveys
9.6 Land Surveys
10.0 Photogrammetric Mapping and Aerial Imagery
10.1 Photogrammetric Mapping
10.2 Aerial Imagery and Remote Sensing
11.0 Construction Inspection / Contract Administration
11.1 Construction Inspection Grading and Base, Bituminous and
11.2 Construction Inspection Bridge Construction
11.3 Construction Surveying
11.4 Materials Sampling & Testing- Field Sampling and Testing
11.5 Materials Sampling & Testing- Plant Inspection/Bituminous
11.6 Materials Sampling and Testing- Plant Inspection/Concrete
11.7 Construction Contract Administration & Management
11.8 ADA Construction Inspection
12.0 Cultural Resources
12.11 Archaeological Work
12.12 Historic Archaeological Work
12.3 Geomorphology Studies
12.41 Architectural/History Studies (Identification/Evaluation Survey)
12.42 Architectural/History Studies (Historic Property Reg/Document)
12.5 Historic Architect Services
13.0 Hydraulic Structure Inspection, Location and Repair
13.1 Detailed Inspection/Location of Stormwater System Features
13.2 Video Inspection of Stormwater System Features
13.3 Cleaning of Stormwater System Features
14.0 Traffic Engineering
14.1 Traffic Signal Design
14.2 Traffic Signal Operations
14.3 Roadway Lighting Design
14.41 Temporary Traffic Control Plan Design & Special Provisions – Level 1
14.42 Temporary Traffic Control Plan Design & Special Provisions – Level 2
14.43 Temporary Traffic Control Plan Design & Special Provisions – Level 3
14.61 Signing Plan Design & Special Provisions – Level 1
14.62 Signing Plan Design & Special Provisions – Level 2
14.63 Signing Plan Design & Special Provisions – Level 3
14.7 Traffic Engineering Special Studies
14.81 Freeway Modeling – Level 1
14.82 Freeway Modeling – Level 2
14.83 Freeway Modeling – Level 3
15.0 Subsurface Utility Engineering
15.1 Subsurface Utility Engineering
16.0 Value Engineering
16.1 Value Engineering Study/Workshop
17.0 Roundabouts
17.1 Roundabout Design
18.0 Transportation Landscape Architecture
18.1 Transportation Landscape Architecture
19.0 Asbestos and Regulated Waste
19.1 Asbestos Regulated Material Assessment & Removal Oversight
19.2 Asbestos Abatement and Peeling Lead Paint Encapsulation
19.3 Regulated Waste Removal
19.4 Asbestos Containing Waste Material Management Oversight
19.5 Asbestos Containing Waste Material Abatement and Mgmt.
20.0 Project Management
20.11 Preconstruction – Level 1
20.12 Construction – Level 2
20.13 Contract Time Determination – Level 3
21.0 Public Engagement and Communications
21.1 Communications and Public Engagement Project Mgmt.
21.3 Marketing and Advertising Services
21.4 Digital Multimedia Production
21.5 Graphic Design
22.0 Transportation Research & Innovation Assistance (TRIA)
22.1 TRIA: Technology Transfer Activities
22.2 TRIA: Program Support
22.3 TRIA: Data Analysis and Implementation
22.4 Library Support Services
23.0 Document Review
23.11 Document Review Services – Level 1
23.12 Document Review Services – Level 2
23.21 Document Scanning and Data Processing Services – Level 1
23.22 Document Scanning and Data Processing Services – Level 2
23.31 Data Input Services – Level 1
23.32 Data Input Services – Level 2
23.4 Hosted Document Review Services
24.0 Building Services
24.1 Building Planning and Scoping
24.21 Architectural Design
24.22 Civil Engineering
24.23 Electrical Engineering
24.24 Mechanical Engineering
24.25 Structural Engineering
24.31 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Commissioning
24.32 HVAC Test and Balance (TAB) Services
24.33 Building Automation Systems (BAS) Commissioning and Technical Service
24.4 Building Geotechnical Studies and Material Testing and Special Inspection
24.51 Water, Wastewater and Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Services – Level 1
24.52 Water, Wastewater and Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Services – Level 2
24.53 Water, Wastewater and Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Services – Level 3
24.6 Owners Representative and Construction Contract Administration
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
TH 3 Corridor Visioning Study
MnDOT Contract No. 1058501
Minnesota’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
The State of Minnesota is committed to diversity and inclusion in its public procurement process. The goal is to
ensure that those providing goods and services to the state are representative of Minnesota’s communities and
include businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans and those with substantial physical disabilities. Creating
broader opportunities for historically under-represented groups provides for additional options and greater
competition in the marketplace, creates stronger relationships and engagement within the state’s communities and
fosters economic development and equality.
To further this commitment, the Minnesota Department of Administration operates a program for Minnesota-
based small businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans and those with substantial physical disabilities. For
additional information on this program, or to determine eligibility, please call 651-296-2600 or go to
This document is available in alternative formats for persons with disabilities by calling Gus Kamprath at (651) 234-7682 or
for persons who are hearing, or speech impaired by calling the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529. For other
information on disability rights and protections, contact MnDOT’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator.
This request for letters of interest does not obligate MnDOT to award a contract or complete the project, and MnDOT
reserves the right to cancel the announcement if it is considered to be in its best interest.
Project Overview
MnDOT requests letters of interest for the Trunk Highway (TH) 3 Corridor Visioning Study that covers a 12.5-mile section
between Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights, aiming to assess and improve the corridor’s future performance and safety.
Key tasks include project management, stakeholder engagement, and public outreach to gather input on transportation
needs and potential improvements. The study will analyze current conditions, forecast future traffic patterns, and develop
alternative design concepts to enhance multi-modal access and safety. Final deliverables will include a report summarizing
findings, public feedback, and recommendations for future projects, ensuring alignment with accessibility, safety, and
equity goals.
Project Goal
The goal of this project is to collaborate with local partners to evaluate and define a strategic vision for the TH 3 corridor,
supporting community growth, safety, and multi-modal access. Through data analysis, stakeholder engagement, and public
input, the project aims to identify corridor needs, explore improvement concepts, and recommend solutions that will
address projected growth and enhance transportation efficiency for all users. This study will ultimately guide future
projects by establishing a clear purpose, aligning with regional priorities, and providing a framework for sustainable
development along TH 3
Scope of Work and Deliverables
The tasks for this project include project management, public and stakeholder engagement, existing corridor review, traffic
forecasting and analysis, corridor improvement concept development and documentation of the outcome of the study. See
Exhibit C, Specifications, Duties, and Scope of Work, posted separately from this announcement for the full scope of work.
For purposes of this announcement, there is no Exhibit A or B.
(CSS/CM Last Updated 09/25/2024)
Quality Management Plan (QMP) and Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures.
The successful responder will develop a project specific QMP that specifies how Contractor will perform QA/QC activities
throughout the duration of the project to ensure delivery of a quality product in a timely manner that conforms to
established contract requirements. The successful responder will be required to submit the project specific QMP to State’s
Project Manager for approval within five business days of Notice to Proceed.
Responder Requirements
In order to be eligible as a responder to submit a letter of interest to this project, the prime consultant must 1) be pre-
qualified in at least one work type identified on the project, 2) be pre-qualified at the time the project is posted, 3) add
value to the project, and 4) appear on the Official List posted with the project. The "Official List," identifies the consultants
who are eligible to submit for this specific project.
If the responder meets the eligibility requirements above but is not pre-qualified for the remaining work types deemed
necessary for project, they must make arrangements to subcontract with firms that are pre-qualified in those work types.
When applicable, the consultant must identify in the letter of interest their sub-consultant(s), and which work type(s) the
sub-consultant(s) will be completing. If there are not firms currently listed on the "Official List" for an identified work
type(s), the consultant may provide the work themselves or they may subcontract with any firm.
Prospective, pre-qualified responders who have any questions regarding this request for letters of interest must submit
questions, by e-mail, to the Contract Administrator:
Gus Kamprath
IMPORTANT: Include the MnDOT Contract Number and solicitation title in the subject line of the email.
All questions and answers will be posted, verbatim, on MnDOT’s Consultant Services Web Page, at: Potential pre-qualified responders are responsible for checking the web
page for any addendums to this announcement and any questions that have been answered.
Questions regarding this announcement must be received, via e-mail, by the Contact Administrator identified above no
later than 2:00PM Central Time on 02/15/2024.
MnDOT anticipates posting answers to all questions received by 2:00PM Central Time on 02/17/2024.
No other MnDOT personnel are allowed to discuss this announcement before the letter of interest submission deadline.
Contact regarding this announcement with any personnel not listed above could result in disqualification.
The letter of interest must adhere to the following format:
1. Contact Information
The purpose of this section is for the responders to identify their contact information. Responder’s must list the company’s
full legal name, business address, contact person’s name and title, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address (as
2. Eligibility
The purpose of this section is for responders to confirm that they, and (if applicable) their subcontractor(s) are pre-qualified
in the required work type(s).
3. Project Understanding
The purpose of this section is for the responders to demonstrate their understanding of the project. Responders must
clearly state their understanding of the project objectives, goals, and tasks to show or demonstrate their view of the nature
of the project. Responders should demonstrate their understanding by using their own words rather than simply repeating
what is listed in the announcement.
4. Responder Experience & Qualifications (Company & Key Personnel)
The purpose of this section is for responders to provide information detailing the background and experience of the
company, and the project personnel. To do this, responders must:
a. Provide an outline of their background and experience, with examples of similar work done.
b. List the personnel who will be working on this project, specifically detailing their training and work experience.
c. Resumes can be provided in a separate appendix. Refer to the Page Limits section for additional information.
If subconsultants are to be used on this project, responders must also outline their background and experience, including
examples of similar work done by each subconsultant. Responders must also provide a list of the subconsultants’ personnel
who will perform work on the project, detailing their training and work experience.
Note that no change in personnel assigned to the project will be permitted without the written approval of MnDOT’s
Project Manager.
Qualification and experience of the “firm” should be demonstrated by the experience of the personnel proposed.
MnDOT performance evaluation data (for similar services) may be taken into consideration as part of this rating factor.
5. Work Plan – Project Approach
The purpose of this section is for responders to present their work plan. Responders must provide a detailed work plan,
which must identify the major tasks to be accomplished. Responders must be sure to not only describe what will be done
but explain how each task will be accomplished. These tasks will be used as a scheduling and management tool, as well as
the basis for invoicing. The detailed work plan must present:
a. The Overall Project Approach
b. A Breakdown of the Project Tasks, detailing the tasks, and how they will be completed
c. Deliverable Due Dates and an Overall Project Schedule
d. A List of Personnel Working on the Project, including details of each person’s role, by task
6. Deliverables
Responders must provide a clear and detailed description, format, and schedule of the deliverables to be provided in order
to meet the needs of the project.
7. Forms, Documents and Certifications
Responders must complete and submit all required forms, documents, and certifications, required under any other section
of this announcement. These forms, documents and certifications will NOT be included in any page limit set for this
announcement, as applicable.
7.1. Required Forms and Documents
Responders must complete and submit the forms and documents required under any other section of this
Forms/Documents on File with MnDOT Consultant Services:
If applicable, check the forms/documents that are on file with MnDOT Consultant Services:
Workforce and Equal Pay Declaration Page Resident Vendor Form
If these forms/documents are on file with MnDOT Consultant Services, then no need to resubmit the
documents until the form/document end date. All other forms and documents required MUST be attached to
7.2. Solicitation of Targeted Group Business (TGB) Firms Statement: Responders must provide the following
statement and signature:
I hereby recognize that a 15% TGB goal has been established for this announcement in accordance with the
Special Provisions posted with the announcement. I understand that MnDOT’s Office of Civil Rights is required
to clear the successful responder’s attainment of the goal, or Good Faith Efforts made to attain the goal, before
a contract can be awarded. I understand that failure to meet the goal or show a Good Faith Efforts to meet the
goal, will deem the successful responder as non-responsive, resulting in rejection of the letter of interest.
Print Name
The responder’s submittal must adhere to the page limitations identified in the following table. If any of the responder’s
documents exceed the page limits identified, the excess pages will not be reviewed, regardless of content.
Requirement for all
Maximum Number of
Letter of Interest
7 pages
Responders MUST use Calibri font in their response
No smaller than 11-point font and single line, 0-point spacing
The font may not have condensed, narrow, or compressed in the
font name
Single-sided, 8.5”x11” pages
Letter of Interest
2 additional pages
Single-sided, 11”x17” pages
These 2 pages are designated for schedules and/or maps only.
Appendix for
1 page per resume
Single-sided, 8.5”x11” pages
Not included as part of the page limit, but is restricted to one
page per resume
Note: Cover letter and required forms are NOT included as part of the page limit.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO RESPONDERS: You should receive a confirmation email from MnDOT. If you do not, please reach
out to the Contract Administrator to ensure the response was received.
All responses must be electronically submitted via e-mail, to the attention of:
Gus Kamprath, Contract Administrator
Copy Consultant Services Forms Inbox:
IMPORTANT: Include the MnDOT Contract Number and solicitation title in the subject line of the email.
All responses must be submitted no later 2:00 p.m. Central Time on 02/24/2025.
Representatives of MnDOT will evaluate all letters of interest received by the deadline. In some instances, an interview may
be part of the evaluation process. A 100-point scale will be used to create the final evaluation recommendation. The factors
and weighting on which letters of interest will be judged are broken down in the following table:
Rating Factor
Project Understanding
Responder Experience and Qualifications (Company & Key Personnel)
Work Plan – Project Approach
Weighting Percentage
You are viewing the opportunity summary page, which includes a brief overview and a preview of the attached documents.
Disclaimer: The details regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), and requests for qualifications (RFQs) on this site are provided for convenience and do not represent official public notice. To respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs, please contact the appropriate government department.


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