Bidders ID: NBD14186256624851159
Due Date: Feb 14, 2025
Posted Date: Feb 3, 2025
Level of Government: State & Local
State: Ohio
Agency: State Government of Ohio
  • 66 - Instruments and Laboratory Equipment
Solicitation Number: SRC0000026402
Source: Members Only
Solicitation ID: SRC0000026402
Original Begin Date: 12/2/2024 12:00:00 AM
Begin Date: 2/3/2025 12:00:00 AM
End Date: 2/14/2025 5:00:00 PM
Inquiry End Date: 2/6/2025 5:00:00 PM
Commodity: Environmental Services
MBE Set Aside: MBE Set Aside
Agency: EPA-Environmental Protection Agcy
Solicitation Status: Open for Bidding
Solicitation Type: Request for Quote (RFQ)

Solicitation General Information
In an MBE set-aside solicitation, only those bidders/suppliers with an active MBE certification at the time the solicitation closes can submit a response
Solicitation ID
Solicitation Name
RFx Type
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Lot #
Solicitation Status
Open for Bidding
Round #
MBE Set Aside
Begin Date
2/3/2025 12:00:00 AM (EST)
End Date
2/14/2025 5:00:00 PM (EST)
Inquiry End Date
2/6/2025 5:00:00 PM

Beginning in Spring 2025 and continuing through May 2026, a crew of field data collectors will collect stream morphology metrics (outlined in attached document) stratified by Level 3 Ecoregions, drainage area, and slope on 90 sites throughout the state of Ohio. In addition, field staff will provide an in-depth description, collect photo documentation for each site, and conduct quality assurance on collected data.


Please see the attached document for Round 2 and upload your proposed quote in the Setup Tab, as well as include Total Cost on the Items Tab.

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EPA-Environmental Protection Agcy
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DSW SFY25 CURV24 DATA COLLECTORS - Round 2 RFx Commercial Documents (Approved)
1 Record(s)

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In response to House Bill 175 enacted in 2022, Ohio EPA completed an extensive rule making process
that culminated in the passage of the state’s first stream mitigation rules in August 2024. With the help
of stakeholders, a new stream functional assessment for calculating mitigation debits and credits was
developed. The Ohio Stream Assessment Method (OSAM) is based on a simplified stream
quantification tool platform and is undergoing further refinement through a collaborative interagency
and stakeholder workgroup. Ohio EPA has received funding through a Wetland Program Development
Grant to aid in the refinement of OSAM and the development of Ohio based reference and regional
Scope of Work
Beginning in Spring 2025 and continuing through May 2026, a crew of field data collectors will collect
stream morphology metrics (outlined below) stratified by Level 3 Ecoregions, drainage area, and slope
on 90 sites throughout the state of Ohio. In addition, field staff will provide an in-depth description,
collect photo documentation for each site, and conduct quality assurance on collected data.
Site Selection
Ohio EPA will generate a list of 90 representative streams. The sites selected will be distributed evenly
across ecoregions and by drainage area. Streams that are as representative of reference condition as
possible will be selected across the state using Ohio EPA datasets, National datasets, and best
professional judgement in situations where data are unavailable. Ohio EPA will work with the
contractor to verify conditions at the sites meet the desired criteria and to select replacement sites as
Structure of Fieldwork
Ohio EPA will provide a kick-off meeting regarding the data collection and training, if necessary, and
will periodically assist as part of the field team.
The fieldwork is proposed to take place throughout one year. The sampling window begins in Spring
2025 and ends January 2026.
Ohio EPA will contact landowners and secure site access prior to initiation of the field season. Ohio
EPA will ensure that all sites are accessible to field team and perform site reconnaissance on a subset
of sites to ensure suitability.
The contractor will work with Ohio EPA to determine the appropriate sampling timeline and grouping
of fieldwork. Site sampling will be grouped geographically, in order to maximize time and effort of the
field team. The contractor will work with Ohio EPA to ensure Ohio EPA is present at a minimum of 20
of the 90 sampled sites. The contractor will have open and clear communication with Ohio EPA with
regards to sampling dates, sampling times, and/or changes to field methodologies.
50 W. Town Street
Suite 700
Columbus, Ohio 43215 U.S.A.
614 | 644 3020
The State of Ohio is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider of ADA Services
The sampling team will consist of teams of at least 2 people. All data collectors must be pre-approved
by Ohio EPA and trained in sampling methods prior to the beginning of the sampling start.
Data Collection
Data to be collected for each site include the following (prioritized by levels) and should be collected
using the method specified that follows it (assessment reach is 20X the bankfull width or a minimum
of 100 m):
Level One Data:
- Stream slope
- Stream drainage area in square miles
- Stream assessment length and area
- Stream Flow Regime
- Rosgen classification (top tier)
- Sinuosity (ratio stream length/valley length)
- Bankfull Width/Depth ratio
- Bank Height Ratio (OSAM 3.0 Method)
- Entrenchment Ratio (OSAM 3.0 Method)
- Pool to Pool Spacing (OSAM 3.0 Method)
- Percent Riffle (OSAM 3.0 Method)
- Large Woody Debris (OSAM 3.0 Method)
- Riparian Buffer Width (OSAM 3.0 Method)
Level Two Data:
- Concentrated Flow Points (Wisconsin SQT Method)
- Percent Streambank Erosion (Wisconsin SQT Method)
- Woody Stem Basal Area* (Wisconsin SQT Method)
- Canopy Cover (%)* (Wisconsin SQT Method)
- Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) (Wisconsin SQT Method)
- Native Herbaceous Cover (%) Left and Right buffer* (Tennessee SQT Method)
- Native Shrub Cover (%) Left and Right buffer* (Tennessee SQT Method)
- Invasive Cover (%) Left and Right buffer*(Tennessee SQT Method)
- Barriers to aquatic species movement
- Desktop Analysis
o Weighted Average Runoff Score (HGM)
o Watershed scale: Percent water and wetlands (surface water storage) and percent
impervious cover – GIS analysis via StreamStats
o Thermal Regime as provided in https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198439
* Protocols could be flexible and subject to change with Ohio EPA approval. Ohio EPA expects the
same plots to be used for vegetative sampling.
Data organization
All field data sheets will be handled with care and organized with the intent of providing original
datasheets to Ohio EPA at the end of each sampling event. Contractors will also enter data into
individual excel files for each site at the end of the sampling event and provide data to Ohio EPA.
Additionally, the contractor will compile data into an excel workbook with all field data in an organized
and useful structure for statistical analysis. Physical data sheets and excel files must be submitted to
Ohio EPA promptly, not greater than 4 weeks from the final date of each sampling event.
Contractors will supply Ohio EPA additional information for each site, including photos, field notes,
weather conditions, and descriptions of potential deviations from field protocols.
Ohio EPA will not provide any sampling materials. It is assumed that hired contractors have the
necessary materials to perform field work.
Required Qualifications
This work requires data collectors to have a high degree of knowledge in stream mechanics and
biological and botanical knowledge. All data collectors must be fluent in stream morphology and
familiar with the protocols listed above. Proposals must include a summary of qualifications for each
personnel to conduct the work including years of experience.
Additional Information
Proposals should include a cost per level, per site, and finally a lump sum fee for the entire project.
You are viewing the opportunity summary page, which includes a brief overview and a preview of the attached documents.
Disclaimer: The details regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), and requests for qualifications (RFQs) on this site are provided for convenience and do not represent official public notice. To respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs, please contact the appropriate government department.


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