Boulder County Procurement
1325 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Reference Number: RFP-125-25
Project Name:
28th Street Boulder Community Hub
Boulder County is seeking an architectural consultant to assist with relocation office space
programming, interior space planning, interior architecture, construction administration, and
change management for our new 40,000 square-foot 28th Street Community Hub office building at
2525 28th Street, Boulder, Colorado. This building will house multiple public-facing departments,
including the Department of Human Services, Housing, Public Health, and Community Services. The
County envisions a secure, large reception area and an optimized, service-oriented design to
support Boulder County residents. We are seeking an architectural consultant to create an
innovative, open office plan with sustainable finishes and lighting that reflect Boulder County’s core
values and comply with Boulder County design standards. The design will prioritize inclusivity,
communication, and collaboration in a post-pandemic hybrid work environment, supporting both
in-office and hybrid employees. Additionally, the consultant will be responsible for post-occupancy
services and achieving LEED-CI Gold certification. The interior design will incorporate advanced
technology and high-quality audio-visual solutions to enhance productivity and flexibility, while
fostering Boulder County’s workplace culture and improving public service delivery
Boulder County uses a Boulder County Bonfire portal for accepting and evaluating proposals
● To post the Proposal
● To receive any questions or inquiries
● To issue any associated addenda
● To post award notices
Proposals must be submitted electronically on or before the Close Date at Boulder County
Bonfire portal.
Important: Submissions will not be accepted by email, fax or hand-delivery; unless
otherwise noted.
Documents should not be embedded within uploaded files, as the embedded files will not be
accessible or evaluated.
To contact Boulder County Purchasing or ask questions in relation to this proposal, respondents
must register on Boulder County Bonfire portal and initiate the communication electronically
through the Vendor Discussions or the Ask a Question feature.
All questions must be received on or before the Deadline for Submission of Clarifications, as
specified in the Schedule of Events. Boulder County will not accept any respondent’s
communications by any other means, except as specifically stated in this proposal.
At any time prior to the Close Date, Boulder County may alter, clarify, amend, delete or add to, in
whole or in part, any terms or provisions of this proposal.
In order to afford the Bidders a reasonable time for taking into account a material amendment
(the materiality of which Boulder County in its own discretion may determine) or for any other
reason, Boulder County may, at its own discretion, extend the Close Date.
For the most up-to-date project information refer to our Bonfire portal.
All vendor submissions may be amended, but only before the Close Date on Boulder County
Bonfire portal.
Need Help:
To assist with registration and submission of responses, learn how to get started with Bonfire,
watch this training video. For questions or support when using the platform, access the Bonfire
online knowledge base, search the FAQ or contact the Bonfire support team
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Boulder County aims to ensure all digital content and
documents are accessible. While efforts have been made to maximize accessibility, some types of
content have inherent technical limitations. For alternate formats or accommodations, please
submit an ADA Web Accommodation Request Form or email, or call 303-
441-1386. View the county’s accessibility statement.
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